Friday, March 8, 2013

DBQs 2, 3, 4: Friday

"Folks see what they want to see... And for them to see what's really happening here, they gotta be ready to believe." (Naylor, 97)

Let's become tourists in NYC and actually "see" the world we inhabit each day. The parts of this DBQ are related. We'll do each part and then bring them together in a presentation, right after Spring Break.

DBQ2: Each student will take a photo of something special about NYC, something that captures her/his attention -- something that you're seeing for the first time. Be sure to write a caption for your photo and upload it to our blog here.

Due 3/15

DBQ3: Each group will choose one song that best captures Ophelia and George's relationship. Upload the song to our class blog under the DBQ3: Tu/Th heading and give a brief description of why you chose the song, and it's relationship, to Ophelia and George.

Due 3/22

DBQ4: You will be FINISHED READING THE BOOK for this assignment! Each group will give a 5 minute presentation using the image(s) and song you've chosen (DBQs 2 & 3) to analyze the novel overall. In other words, you'll be using the image and song to answer the question: How can the novel be understood through the characterization of George and Ophelia and their relationship? You can upload your presentation under the heading DBQ4 OR prepare a Power Point (or similar) presentation.

Due 4/5

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